
Vaginal Birth After Cesarean Section (VBAC) in properly selected cases is as safe as any other subgroup of women attempting vaginal birth. In a recent intensive review of the literature, the National Institute of Health (NIH) put together a consensus report confirming this statement. In fact, they found that properly selected patients should be given true informed consent and if this is done then more than 70% of women who attempt a VBAC will succeed. They also concluded that the risks of repeat c/sections have been understated and are, in fact, often greater to mother and baby than those associated with a VBAC.

We believe the choice and the right of how to birth their babies, ultimately belongs to women as individuals. We support the NIH consensus statement and the autonomy and sanctity of individual choice. If you would like more information or to discuss your options with us please call or inquire here.



"Two times I have found myself pregnant and desperately lacking competent support for my birth choices. My second child, a VBAC, was born at home, but not before I learned (the hard way) of stringent regulations placed on out of hospital birth workers in our country by doubtful doctors. Thankfully, physicians like Dr. Fischbein, who believe in a woman’s right to informed consent and refusal, in the process of birth, and in the safety of home birth exist. It was not until he agreed to back my selected midwives that I was 'allowed’ to birth in the way I desired. My son was born beautifully and without incident in my home, and I went on to have another home birth nearly two years later." - Read More of Becky D.'s Testimonial