Update on Breech Conference and the status of Breech Deliveries at The Woman's Place

Hi all, it has been quiet for a few weeks while I wait for clarification on the status of elective breech deliveries here in Ventura County. I was intially told in writing in no uncertain terms that this was not allowed at either of the CHW hospitals. After posting this fact on my blog it seems that the administration says I was misleading you. In a letter from last week they wrote that, in fact, elective breech deliveries are allowed at St. John's Regional Medical Center in Oxnard. While this is welcome news the contradiction is puzzling. I have written a certified letter asking for clarification. I will keep you posted.

I returned Monday from The Coalition for Breech Birth's conference with much insight, information and optimism. We were treated to a lecture by Dr. Louwen from Frankfurt, Germany which included some marvelous videos of natural breech birthing in the upright/all fours position. Topics included evidence why vaginal breech birth in selected cases is safe. Concerns all around regarding how future practitioners are to be trained. One idea is the model of Dr. Louwen where he runs a referral center for breech deliveries. Putting them in one place provides the volume and may just give us an idea of how we can give future doctors and midwives the experience they need to feel comfortable doing breech deliveries again.

The next group of speakers moved us all with their stories of birth options no longer available to them that led to birth stories and memories that were troubling to them even years later. It was very emotional and these strong women were inspiring in their desire to make changes so that others will not suffer their fate. I was honored to speak on a panel with Dr. Michael Hall of Denver, CO and three insightful doctors from Canada. Our topic was "The challenges and solutions to offering the choice of vaginal breech birth in the hospital." It stimulated much conversation afterwards. Finally, Ina May Gaskin gave a talk on breech with anecdotes and stories that kept us all enthralled. She also solemnly talked about women who have been lost due to complications of c/sections. Thanks to Robin Guy and all the supportive staff for putting together such a passionate and informative program.
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